Thursday, May 28, 2009

So here's the deal. I don't like accepting help from people. I don't like digging into peoples pockets. If you're able to help me, fine. I'm learning to accept it. But, I'll refuse to put a price on anything. If it's truly in your heart to help me, just give me what you can. If I need $50 to pay a bill and you give me $10, then I'll come up with that other $40. It's that simple. I wish people would meet me half way with that, instead of trying to force me to give them a price on the help they provide. Like, my mindset is what if I ask for too much? If I'm like "Okay, I need $50" and you're like "Well, all I can give is $10." then I feel like an ass. Why can't you just say "I'm able to give you $10 to help you out." You know? That just makes it much easier for the both of us. You know what you can do for someone. Make it known. If you want to help me, make it known for the both of us. I don't feel like that's being complicated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you shouldn't feel like an ass. if you say you need 50 and that person doesn't have it, they'll give you all that they can (if they care about you.) maybe they can spare 45 but they are only going to give you 20 cause they dont have a clue how much you need...
seems like your pride is the issue